Zoological museum

Zoological museum

Zoological museum A zoology museum is a place that is often visited by children who are understanding or learning about animals. Surely many are curious about the zoological museum, right? museums that you can visit in the Raya area of Bogor. When you visit, you will definitely stare like your eyes are about to pop… Continue reading Zoological museum

The strangest kind of pervert in the world

The strangest kind of pervert in the world

The strangest kind of pervert in the world Not only unique but also strange. For those of you who are curious and bored with your vacation spots, you can try to come and visit a strange and unique museum. There are many places that provide the strangest types of museums in the world. Surely you… Continue reading The strangest kind of pervert in the world

A Unique museum in the world

Unique museum in the world

A unique museum in the world Not only in Indonesia, which has a museum. It turns out that the world also has a unique museum. Museums that are famous for storing historical items or antiquity items are very different from several types of museums in the world. As you know, with a museum, you will… Continue reading A Unique museum in the world

The benefits of the Indonesian Education Museum

The benefits of the Indonesian Education museum

The benefits of the Indonesian Education Museum When talking about history, you can visit the museum. One of them is the Indonesian Education Museum. Based on the vision, there are several people who have different opinions about the museum. As a historian or for those of you who like ancient relics, you will definitely think… Continue reading The benefits of the Indonesian Education Museum

Sejarah Detik Com

Sejarah Detik Com

Sejarah Detik Com Detik com merupakan salah satu berita media online yang berasal dari indonesia. Detik com adalah sebuah website yang memiliki beragam informasi menarik secara aktual dan terpercaya. Dengan adanya detik com maka informasi apapun akan di perbarui, anda yang ingin berita tentang apapun hanya perlu masuk kedalam portal web saja akan menemukan banyak… Continue reading Sejarah Detik Com

Nama Vihara Di Cirebon

Nama Vihara Di Cirebon

Nama Vihara Di Cirebon Provinsi jawa barat cirebon tentu saja ada tempat ibadah untuk umat beragama budha. Anda yang baru saja berkunjung ke cirebon jangan lupa untuk anda yang sembahyang ke lokasi ini. Siapa tau anda yang meminta sesuatu di tempat ini maka akan di berikan petunjuk. Orang orang yang ke vihara ini bukan hanya… Continue reading Nama Vihara Di Cirebon

Definisi Prasasti

Definisi Prasasti

Definisi Prasasti Prasasti adalah adalah sebuah benda yang memiliki bentuk nyata berupa piagam atau dokumen dalam bahan yang keras serta tahan lama. Prasasti biasanya hanya ada pada benda zaman kuno. Yang menemukan prasasti ialah orang orang satu itu juga kenapa bisa membacanya. Anda yang ingin mempelajari bahasa dari prasasti ialah Epigrafi. Kenapa harus ada ilmu… Continue reading Definisi Prasasti

Kalimantan Utara

Museum Kalimantan Utara

Kalimantan Utara Museum Kesultanan Bulungan Tidak heran kenapa museum ini memiliki nama museum kesultanan bulungan, ternyata dia berada di kabupaten bulungan. Koleksi yang ada di museum kesultanan bulungan ialah replika tempat penobatan, tempat tidur sultan, tempat pernikahan, pakaian raja. Namun benda peninggalan seperti meja, keris, piring, atau kursi pun masih ada. 2. Museum Flora &… Continue reading Kalimantan Utara

Ambarawa Railway Museum

Ambarawa Railway Museum

Ambarawa Railway Museum The train museum in Ambarawa has a name, namely Willem I Station. Willem I Station is not a train that carries passengers. But the trains are made to carry military transportation and export commodities. This station became official on May 21, 1873, but in 1976 the Willem I station was no longer… Continue reading Ambarawa Railway Museum

Papuan Museum

Papuan Museum

Papuan Museum The Papuan Museum is apparently not just one. There are many types of Papuan museums that you can visit, such as: Papua province state museum the state museum of Papua province is in the city of Jayapura. The museum existed in 1983. It was inaugurated in 1990. Entering the Papuan state museum you… Continue reading Papuan Museum