Museums in East Nusa Tenggara

Museums in East Nusa Tenggara

Museums in East Nusa Tenggara Visiting East Nusa Tenggara you can make a visit to the museum. There are 5 types of museums in East Nusa Tenggara. There will be a lot of knowledge that is not known by many people. Moreover, the history of each museum. Regional Museum The museum, located in Kupang, East… Continue reading Museums in East Nusa Tenggara

Museum di Kalimantan Tengah

Museum di Kalimantan Tengah

Museum di Kalimantan Tengah Museum Balanga [ Museum di Kalimantan Tengah ] Tempat yang terletak di kota palangkaraya ialah Balanga. Di Museum balanga biasa di jadikan tempat mengumpulkan benda yang memiliki seni budaya atau sumber daya alam yang di sajikan untuk di pamerkan. Benda yang di koleksi pada museum balanga ialah geologika, etnografika, historika, filologika,… Continue reading Museum di Kalimantan Tengah

Museum Di Sulawesi Utara

Museum Di Sulawesi Utara

Museum Di Sulawesi Utara Sulawesi utara hanya terdapat 3 daftar museum saja yang akan membuat anda terkenang akan tempatnya. Tentunya bagi kalian yang berlibur tidak akan melewatkan sejarah dari sultar. Memiliki setiap cerita dan penemuan yang berbeda. Kalian bisa mempelajari semua sejarah dan beberapa penemuan di setiap museum. Berikut adalah daftar nama di Museum Di… Continue reading Museum Di Sulawesi Utara

East Nusa Tenggara Museum

East Nusa Tenggara Museum

East Nusa Tenggara Museum The East Nusa Tenggara Museum has five museums that hold a lot of knowledge. This knowledge is still not widely known by many people. Of course, those of you who like history will not miss the opportunity to study history in every East Nusa Tenggara museum. A place where science can… Continue reading East Nusa Tenggara Museum

Southeast Sulawesi Museum

Southeast Sulawesi Museum

Southeast Sulawesi Museum State Museum of Southeast Sulawesi Province The official museum in 1991 in Kendari has many collections in the building. The collections in the building are biology, ethnography, archeology, history, and so on. Buton Palace Museum Funatiq – Buton palace fort is used as a museum located in the center of the city… Continue reading Southeast Sulawesi Museum

Museums in Central Sulawesi

Museums in Central Sulawesi

Museums in Central Sulawesi There are not so many museums in Central Sulawesi. But still, you need to know what history is in Central Sulawesi. Not everyone will make their main travel destination to the museum, but neither should a trip to the museum have to be in groups of school children or others. Funatiq If… Continue reading Museums in Central Sulawesi

Museums In The Netherlands

Museums In The Netherlands

Museums In The Netherlands Going to study Dutch, you can certainly find unique places apart from the tourist attractions. Because there are several Dutch museums that are not usually found in other countries. Here are some places in museums in the Netherlands that you must visit Micropia Those of you who want to see the… Continue reading Museums In The Netherlands

Museums in West Kalimantan

Museums in West Kalimantan

Museums in West Kalimantan There are 3 museums in West Kalimantan, those of you who want to visit West Kalimantan can’t go wrong visiting several museums. Of course, besides adding insight you will not feel bored because you enter that place Pontianak State Museum The Pontianak State Museum was officially opened and used on October… Continue reading Museums in West Kalimantan